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The humble story of ANCF Church began in the summer of 1998 with our vision to be a “house of prayer for all nations”. Although we are a multi-generational church, we have been committed to serving collegiate students from The Ohio State University, Columbus State Community College, Columbus College of Art & Design, as well as other institutions of higher learning in Columbus. This commitment combined with our belief that God’s heart for the nations and the poor is a result of his gospel, we intentionally wanted to make ourselves accessible to both.
Throughout the years, we have re-affirmed our commitment this vision -to share God’s heart for the nations with our surrounding communities beginning first in the OSU campus area and spreading throughout the nations. This commitment to our original vision has limited our search for a building to the OSU campus area -where property is more expensive and harder to acquire. Finding a home here seemed impossible due to competition with well-funded developers and a sprawling university.
But God has been faithful. In 2018, twenty years after our start, God led us to this building that fit our needs and would allow us to grow. However, it was beyond our humble means. With a market value in the millions, it seemed impossible once more. But God is faithful. With several generous gifts from alumni, family, and friends, we were able to pay for half of the building up front.
In faith, we believed that God would help us raise the remaining half in three years. Thus began our three year “Giving Campaign” -not a “building campaign”. This was never about the building. The church is not a building, and a building does not make a church. We are the church.
Reminded of God’s words in 2 Corinthians 8:5 “And they did not do as we expected, but they gave themselves first to the Lord and then to us in keeping with God’s will,” we wanted to do two things. Firstly, we wanted to give our hearts radically to Jesus and His mission to IMPACT the nations. It is not about our money. If we give financially, but withhold our talents, our desires, our hopes, even our dreams, then we will miss out on the joy and blessing of trusting Jesus.
Secondly, we wanted to give generously during this season to not only pay off the remaining amount owed, but also to put us in a good position to begin renovations and improvements. Through God’s faithfulness and the generosity of our members and alumni, we have met our goals for the first two years! Our final goal for this last year of the giving campaign is $160,000.
We have started each year of the campaign with 21 days of prayer and fasting and will be doing the same this final year from October 4th-24th. The purpose of this time is to give our hearts radically to Jesus and His mission as well as prepare our hearts to give in faith. We recognize without his provision we cannot meet our goal.
We have chosen to focus on four topics during these 21 days:
We have put this prayer guide for you to use during your prayer times. Click on the link to download a PDF copy.
Fasting not only reminds us that we are truly dependent upon God for everything. But it also helps us train our minds, body and spirit in a practical way to look to Jesus to meet our desires. If you would like to join us in fasting a meal or an entire day, you can sign up here
May God pour out His Spirit on us in a fresh new way as we seek Him together as a church. Thanks for being part of this significant time!
Give Financially
Click Here to give financially to the last year of the Giving Campaign. Please consider how you might be able to contribute. We would like for everyone to know that ANY amount is a blessing.